Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

Leroy Trammell / Slow Plow - Band Of The Day !

The Indie Musicians Listings' .. Artist Of The Day .. for Wednesday May 30th is ... Leroy Trammell .. Leroy has been a very active IML member and Shares many artists everyday !! Please Share His Band .. Slow Plow .. and Play their music as much as you can !! \m/ 

Hometown: La France, SC, US
Genres: Rock / Southern Rock / Blues
Label: None
Members: Lightnin'Trammell-Lead Vocals/Guitar,FlipperLong-Vocals/Guitar,BubbaRollins-Vocals/Bass,Jo-El Makison-Vocals/Percussion 
We started playing together as friends, and for the Love of the Music.Our Music.
We've never been a cover band.The only music we want to cover is our own.
And we think that we have some pretty good stories to tell.We'd just like to have the chance to share these songs and our lives.Because that's what these songs are about.Our everyday journey's and the things that happen along the way.And if you listen to the stories,we're sure you'll find some common ground along the way.Please support your local artists,whom ever they may be.And just remember,above and beyond all else...,Plow On!

This group is to help promote Unsigned and Indie Artists... The members of this group are all Musicians,Promoters,DJ's and Music supporters there's many great Contacts to make..So feel free to share and Please Support Each Other !!! We are here to make this group different than All The Rest !! Work together and please don't fill the wall with "Spam" !! We Will Like your pages.. Be Respectful and Like Others !!! \m/
   "Artist of the Day" - May, the 30th
Some Infos -HOW TO BECOME .. The Indie Musician's Listings- "ARTIST OF THE DAY "

via Morbid North: I have been asked many times ..How to become an Artist Of The Day... Everyone who participates Has been added to a list... We cannot check to see who plays songs for the AOTD.. However We Can See Who Shares The Other Artists !! As we decide who will be next... We will check your pages.. Please Be Sure to Share the AOTD.. Or We Won't Know If You Are Participating !! \m/

More great artists on "THE I M L - PLAYLIST" here : 
 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
Thank You !!

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Angel Steel from Vancouver, WA, US - Metal / Rock / Hair Metal

A female fronted four piece heavy metal band from the West coast.
Angel Steel has been rockin' for years and has released numerous songs and albums. They have rocked stages both big and small across the United States and in 2012 will be expanding their touring to other countries as well.
This is a straight up rock band and believes strongly in everything that this statement implies. No day jobs - they are not out to save the whales - they don't try to 'fit in' to the local cliques or mold and shape themselves into one of the twenty new genres that seem to pop up each week. They Rock...and Rock Hard!
For them it's all about screaming guitars, Marshall stacks and double kicks - it's 'in your face' - ass kickin' heavy metal - it's loud - it's heavy and worth the price of admission every time!
They are not a tribute to anyone...they don't play cover tunes...they write and record their own music and work tirelessly to perfect their craft. No wigs - no makeup - no gimics! They Rock Arena Style!
They have brought back the lost art of the 'True Rock Concert' and the fans are taking notice! So, if you miss the kick ass rock shows of the past - check out Angel Steel in concert in a town near you and get your Heavy Metal Fix! \\m// Horns High Metal Heads!

 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
Thank You !!

Biff - the Band from Bologna, BO, IT - Rock / Alternative trasversale

Biff - the Band from Bologna, BO, IT
Genres: Rock / Alternative trasversale
Members: Biff : Basso/voce Gaetano : Batteria William : Chitarra/2° voce Francesco : Chitarra solista 

Quando nel 2004 ho cominciato a lavorare scherzosamente a questo progetto, non avrei mai pensato di potermi trovare oggi a portare dal vivo la mia musica. Nonostante le molte difficoltà, due album all'attivo, la valida collaborazione di amici/musicisti e tanta voglia di mettersi ancora in discussione di fronte ad un pubblico hanno fatto di quella originale "cosa" amatorial/domestica una realtà divertente, soddisfacente e non senza ambizioni.
Stiamo completando il riarrangiamento dei brani in versione live, molto più rock e senza tanti fronzoli, non trascurando, ovviamente, le nuove produzioni, che potrete già ascoltare venedoci a trovare in concerto...
Cosa dire ancora!?...visto che in realtà il primo concerto di Biff è stato nel settembre 2010, possiamo considerarci una band giovane; stiamo muovendo i primi passi con lo scopo d'imparare a correre...seguiteci!!

Dopo un 2011 da incorniciare, visti gli importanti appuntamenti che ci hanno visti su diversi palchi in giro per la provincia, il 2012 si presenta impegnativo, ma posso già annunciare sicuramente ricco di novità musicali per il nostro repertorio..
Un anno difficile per molti aspetti, ma questo non ci dissuade dall'obiettivo di migliorare...vedremo di esserci quanto e più di ieri. A presto....

This group is to help promote Unsigned and Indie Artists... The members of this group are all Musicians,Promoters,DJ's and Music supporters there's many great Contacts to make..So feel free to share and Please Support Each Other !!! We are here to make this group different than All The Rest !! Work together and please don't fill the wall with "Spam" !! We Will Like your pages.. Be Respectful and Like Others !!! \m/
    "Artist of the Day" - May, the 29th

Some Infos -HOW TO BECOME .. The Indie Musician's Listings- "ARTIST OF THE DAY "

via Morbid North: I have been asked many times ..How to become an Artist Of The Day... Everyone who participates Has been added to a list... We cannot check to see who plays songs for the AOTD.. However We Can See Who Shares The Other Artists !! As we decide who will be next... We will check your pages.. Please Be Sure to Share the AOTD.. Or We Won't Know If You Are Participating !! \m/

More great artists on "THE I M L - PLAYLIST" here :
 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !! 
Any Support Is Very Welcome !! 
Thank You !!

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

"Xakestar" Falun, SE -- Metal / Doom/Gothic

KBM Promotion (Germany) proudly present:

"Xakestar" Falun, SE
Genres: Metal / Doom/Gothic
Members: Mo. Khojasteh, Hani Rajabi

Xakestar is an original Persian Rock band from Tehran-Iran that is currently active in Sweden.
The band was formed in early 1999 by Mo. Khojasteh (lead guitars, bass, and synthesizers). 
Behruz Bazargan joined the band quickly as a drummer. Hani Rajabi
(electronics, keyboards, synthesizers, and lead vocal) was invited to play the

Keys, synthesizers and piano have an important role on their unique music. The band was supposed to work as a black metal band but for internal reasons they refused to play in this style. There are many records that show they can play Progressive Rock music to a high level. Now Xakestar is a combination of many Rock and Metal styles. They have had 2 official live performances at Tehran/Iran which were extremely successful. The Farabi Hall live performance became a headline in many musical and art communities in Tehran as the tickets were sold out quickly. They attached a few cover songs from the better-know bands like Pink Floyd, Moonspell, Hypocrisy and Bathory to their originally composed
pieces. The band tried to add their taste of Electronic music to their records and the cover songs. Following their 2nd live performance, the legal restrictions in Iran did not allow the band to go on making music and performing their music the way that they wanted to. In addition their music was banned officially in 2003 inside Iran.

Xakestar were largely inactive following their concerts. The band started recording music independently, making a lot of progress, forming their style of music, as they are doing it now. After some years of hard experimental work they started to record their new album and they are on it now. You can follow their activities by visiting their official home page:  


This group is to help promote Unsigned and Indie Artists... The members of this group are all Musicians,Promoters,DJ's and Music supporters there's many great Contacts to make..So feel free to share and Please Support Each Other !!! We are here to make this group different than All The Rest !! Work together and please don't fill the wall with "Spam" !! We Will Like your pages.. Be Respectful and Like Others !!! \m/
    "Artist of the Day" - May, the 24th

Some Infos -HOW TO BECOME .. The Indie Musician's Listings- "ARTIST OF THE DAY "

via Morbid North: I have been asked many times ..How to become an Artist Of The Day... Everyone who participates Has been added to a list... We cannot check to see who plays songs for the AOTD.. However We Can See Who Shares The Other Artists !! As we decide who will be next... We will check your pages.. Please Be Sure to Share the AOTD.. Or We Won't Know If You Are Participating !! \m/

More great artists on "THE I M L - PLAYLIST" here : 
 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
Thank You !!

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Steel Soul from Fort Lauderdale, FL, US - Rock / Hard Blues

Steel Soul from Fort Lauderdale, FL, US
Genres: Rock / Hard Blues / SteelSoul 

STEEL SOUL is a Home Grown hard-rock band whose musical influences come from such rock legends as Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Jeff Beck, Rush & Led Zep......!!!
The band comes from Fort Lauderdale Florida, and was created by Tone D Farkas (guitars), Brian Fitzgerald (percussion, keyboards) and The fantastic (Your Name Here) (bass)Our newest member.

STEEL SOUL started touring the local clubs with repeats of classics of Rock’n’Roll. Concerts were starting to attract more people and the first fans made their appearance.
In 2008, for their first participation at Tobacco Road, the famous club in Miami Beach, Florida. STEEL SOUL opening act with a superb show in front of a crowd of about 165.

The band began to feel more confident on stage and the writing and compositions move to a higher level. The work led to the recording of the second album “Escape From Dominance” in 2012 which contains 10 tracks. This quality production is due to the talent of drummer Brian Fitzgerald, and the guitar player Tone D. Farkas. This album sounds much more professional than the first one. 

“Escape From Dominance” will allowed STEEL SOUL the distribution of the two albums.

During the first part of 2012, STEEL SOUL have experienced many new opportunities and have increased their fan base to the tune of over 10,000.
Today, the band always hopes finding a biggest deal with a major and is preparing the recording of a third album in 2010 (surely the best one!!) and a new series of gigs across the USA with their new bassist (Your Name Here), who has been a major influence in the new songs written by the new STEEL SOUL.
So prepare yourself to a big dose of rock n’ roll, and amazing live performance guaranteed!!

If You Like The Music Of Steel Soul, Please Buy It !!
Thank You !!

 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
Thank You !!

Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Auriemma from Bellingham, WA - Rock / Folk Rock / Acoustic Rock


Sounds Like: Neil Young, Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Phish, CSNY
Label: 100% INDIE :)

Manager: Auriemma

Bio: Singer/Songwriter & musician for over 35 years.I perform all of my music.I write as personal as I can & love telling the stories behind my songs.Back in the ring for live performances on a very personal medium. 

 If You Like The Music Of Richie Auriemma, Please Buy It !!
Thank You !!

 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
Thank You !!

Canadian Composer Mario Pompetti

Mario Pompetti
Hometown: Montreal, QC, CA      
Genre: Alternative / underground club soundtrack,rock,acid,exprimental. / hiphop,Classical, Adult Contemporary,folk country 
Canadian Composer Mario Pompetti is an artist with 15 CDs released, and is well known as a heavy weight in film scoring and music production for Film and TV. stock music sites --Also producer of 43cds & producer promoter---
of -LiLLuLu -Erica Lee Page-The Ant Farm-Inmate Crew-Zilo Tannebaum-Mr Unknown-LilWhitetrash-lewell
Also on the rosenklang lable in germany
compilations such as greatest hits and rare classic albums .


If You Like Mario's Music, Please Buy It !! Thank You !!

 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
Thank You !!

Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

Franz Holzhauser from Bad Hönningen, Germany - Rock / Blues / Ambient and other

Franz Holzhauser from Bad Hönningen, Germany
Genre: Rock / Blues / Ambient and other

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

The Shade Sings On The Road - Tourplanung !

Hallo Ihr Lieben !!

aufgrund der leider traurigen Tatsache, dass eine Konzertorganisation in Clubs für Newbies heutzutage immer schwieriger, fast schon unmöglich wird, wir aber dennoch unsere Musik – live – ans Publikum bringen möchten, kam uns eine Idee bei der wir Eure Mithilfe benötigen. Ob Ihr wollt oder nicht ;-)… Ich komme mit einem kleinen Liveprogramm, bei dem ich u.a. auch Songs meines kommenden Albums vorstellen möchte, zu Euch in die Stadt, aufs Dorf oder wo immer Ihr mich haben möchtet ??… Sofern eine Steckdose vorhanden ist, kann DAS in Eurer Stadt auf dem Rathausplatz, auf dem Dorf der Markt-/Schützenplatz sein oder in eurem Garten, da sind wir äußerst flexibel...."lach"

Dennoch möchten wir natürlich eine vernünftige und sinnvolle Planung für die Anreise und Basis Organisation ermöglichen und bitten Euch nun uns diesbezüglich zu unterstützen. Zeigt mir Euer Interesse an dieser Aktion, nennt mir Eure Stadt/Dorf wo ein Auftritt möglich wäre und ihr mich gerne sehen würdet. 

Vielen Dank !! Ich freue mich auf Euch !!

The Shade Sings On The Road - Städtetour - Planung !! 

Ende Juli – Mitte August 2012
Routenplanung: Bundesweit (Das liegt bei Euch)

If You Like Kimmy's Music, Please Buy It !! 
Thank You !!

Jegliches Feedback, Vorschläge, Anregungen sind äußerst Willkommen !! Schreibt mir gerne eure Kommentare unten in die Kommentarbox oder besucht mich auf meinen Musikseiten.

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

ENDZEITFESTIVAL 21. - 23.12.2012 !!

Herzlich Willkommen beim Endzeitfestival

agent4you plant für 21. - 23.12.2012 ein Endzeitfestival.
möglicher Ablauf (Diskussionsgrundlage):
1. Tag: Freitag: Singer/Songwriter und Indie/Alternative u.ä.,
2. Tag: Samstag: Rock/Hardrock/Classic-Rock u.ä.
3. Tag: Sonntag: Metal, versch. Richtungen
Alle Künstler spielen kostenlos, d.h. der Erlös dieser Veranstaltung wird für einen wohltätigen Zweck gespendet und zwar für die Hannah-Stiftung
Die Hannah-Stiftung unterstützt Opfer von Gewalt, insbesondere Opfer sexueller Gewalt, und deren Angehörige. Sie fördert Maßnahmen und Projekte durch finanzielle Beihilfen oder komplette Finanzierung und entwickelt eigene Projekte.
Als absolutes Highlight konnten wir die Jutta Weinhold Band für unser Event gewinnen...
Das Festival findet in der DONNERSBERGHALLE in 67806 ROCKENHAUSEN (zwischen Bad Kreuznach und Kaiserslautern) statt.
Natürlich brauchen wir für dieses Event Sponsoren und einen (oder mehrere) Veranstalter, also bitte meldet Euch.

Jeder der eine Zusage zum Mitmachen abgibt, dessen Bild ist hier zu sehen und einer seiner Songs zu hören.

Find Gigs

Das Endzeitfestival wurde ins Leben gerufen, weil Musiker immer wieder gerne etwas für ihre Mitmenschen tun. Es ist mittlerweile nichts Ungewöhnliches mehr, dass Konzerte, Events, Festival ausschließlich zu einem guten Zweck durchgeführt werden.
Das ist hier nicht anders.
Die gute Idee wird geboren und unzählige Musiker und Musikbegeisterte helfen, damit die Veranstaltung ein Erfolg wird. Wir stehen zwar noch ganz am Anfang unserer Planung, aber es erstaunt mich, welche Resonanz die Idee und mit welchem Engagement hier alle wirken. Hier schon einmal meinen Dank an Alle.
Franz Holzhauser

Offizielle Webpage

Endzeitfestival auf Facebook 
Endzeitfestival auf Reverbnation

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

12 String Scott from Valencia, CA, US - Alternative / rock / folk

  12 String Scott from Valencia, CA, US

Genres: Alternative / rock / folk
Former co-lead singer/rhythm guitarist for Miserable End. On my own now and looking for a local band with same vision. Loving life, family, and the music I hear in my soul. check out my other pages at 

 Together We Can Grow !! Spread the words and Share the Links !!
Any Support Is Very Welcome !!
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